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our response
Committed to Community
COVID-19 is on everyone’s mind with the effects being felt globally. At KI we’ve been thinking a lot about YOU lately – our customers, partners and employees. We are ALL in this together. The environment around us may be uncertain, but let’s take comfort in the fact that we are not alone – we have a world-class, steadfast community to lean on.
And though you may be isolating, you are never alone. Please stay safe and healthy and know that we’re here to support you every step of the way. Thank you for partnering with us and being part of our community.
ideas and furniture solutions for
Returning to Work & School
It’s evident the pandemic will forever change where and how we work and learn – to what extent truly remains to be seen. As we prepare to return to work and school, we need to consider both short- and long-term solutions that can help pave the way. So let's work together—even if we're apart—to provide you with the work and learning environments you need to move forward and remain flexible.
Guidelines for
Infection Control
Review our guidelines for surface cleaning to mitigate infection while maintaining the appearance, finish and function of your KI furniture.
Topical Insights
Review our top blogs and join our discussions as we critically assess current situations and ponder ways the pandemic has affected—and will continue to affect—our lives and workplaces and schools.
for the Workplace
Let's Stay Connected
Thanks to technology, we can keep our community connected. Following are a few ways to engage with our digital support tools and resources.
Just for Fun
KI Coloring Pages
There’s no better time than the present to hone those coloring skills. Print off our latest coloring sheets and use your creativity to bring life to these scenes. Share a pic of your final creation on social media and tag us with #ispyki.
How May We Help You?
We are ready to listen, understand and serve. Fill out the contact form linked below or call us directly at 800-424-2432.