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This silicone/polyurethane hybrid textile’s random cadence of tints and hues simulates a bird’s-eye view of cityscapes.


Invision is a playful upholstery that brings soft colors to life with subtle lines and transformative bubbles.


This colorful reinterpretation of an organic plaid reveres the artfulness of the stitch in its most basic form.


Exceptional, perfectly spaced stitching is a hallmark of a well-made garment and the inspiration behind Stitch.


Inspired by the beautifully complex layers of our earth, Stratum builds a solid foundation and reminds us of our own strength and convictions.


Textured with a crafted flair, Shear epitomizes the essence of Lingo with an air of unassuming timelessness.


Reminiscent of classic distressed leather luggage, Wander is a foundational textile with the performance characteristics necessary for contract environments.


Crafted with timeless sophistication, Sisal’s organic aesthetic pays homage to the craftsmanship of fine menswear.


Unraveled, an eco-friendly material, overlays a printed pattern on a matte surface to create a three-dimensional illusion of unraveling.


The patinaed ground effect creates a finely crafted foundation, but organic brush strokes make this pattern look hand-painted rather than woven.

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