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Win Your Dream Learning Space with Our K-12 Design Competition
Explore insights and perspectives from the teachers who won last year’s classroom contest and learn how you, too, can enter to win the learning space makeover of your dreams.
Last year, we kicked off our inaugural classroom furniture giveaway which received nearly 500 entries. From there, we selected nine finalists and put the $40,000 grand prize winners to a public vote. Now, those three winners are teaching in the classrooms of their dreams with a full makeover of free KI furniture.
We’re excited to share their stories and announce our second annual classroom furniture giveaway and learning space design competition! But this time, we’re offering four grand prizes: three classroom makeovers and one library or media center makeover.
To win, teachers will again use our free Classroom Planner tool to design their ideal learning spaces and submit an entry describing their space.
Below we share essential details for participating in our upcoming competition and explore insights from last year's winners.
Last Year’s Winners: Where Are They Now?
The winners of our inaugural classroom furniture giveaway are well into the school year and observing the impact of new furniture on the learning experience for their students.
Dylan Zuccarello teaches fifth-grade math and science at Lawton Chiles Elementary School in Tampa, Florida. He says the reaction from parents and students alike has been priceless.
“When students and parents had the opportunity to meet me and see the classroom environment, it got them excited to start the school year,” said Mr. Z “Especially the first couple of days, the students were just in awe.”
Characterized by adaptability and mobility, Mr. Z’s new classroom played a key role in helping students build collaboration and communication skills before heading off to middle school.
“It’s really helped build a community in the classroom,” Mr. Z said. “I’m seeing so many new interactions between students I’ve never seen chat before. The flexibility for discussions, group work, work in pairs, and independent study has enabled the learning to be more student-led than teacher-led.”
At Norco Elementary School in Southern California, Marisa Rinkel wanted her classroom to ignite passion in her class of gifted and talented fourth graders. She even asked her students to share their thoughts on the space and received positive feedback across the board.
Her students love the bright new colors, describing the space as everything from “blissful” to “reminiscent of science fiction.” One of her students concluded, “It looks goofy. And I praise goofy!”
The aesthetics are just one part of the story. Compared to past years, Mrs. Rinkel told us our Ruckus chairs have made a huge difference in keeping kids comfortable and able to focus.
“I don’t have to tell kids to stop wiggling or give them a fidget spinner like I did before,” Mrs. Rinkel shared. “Furniture that supports those wiggles is a huge change.”
Easy-to-access storage has also transformed Mrs. Rinkel’s experience. “Students are empowered to be creative because they can find all the materials they need,” she said. “And that frees me up to help students who need help, instead of just needing to find scissors. It’s a much more collaborative learning environment.”
Get Your Chance to Win: 4 Things To Know
1. Prepare Now: Plan Your Classroom
First, picture your ideal classroom design. Identify your top priorities for the space and make a list of your must-haves. Then, explore our Classroom Planner design tool. Take some time before entries open on December 1 to familiarize yourself with the options for designing classrooms with KI furniture and how to configure your dream layout.
2. Deadline to Apply: December 31
Entries will be accepted for our second annual learning space design competition from Friday, December 1 through Sunday, December 31. You'll need to include a classroom rendering from our Classroom Planner tool and a short summary of your design rationale. Entries will be evaluated both on the composition and story behind the design.
3. Finalist Selection: Down to a Dozen
In January, we’ll announce twelve finalists. These designs will be published and promoted as a public vote at the end of the month, which will determine the four winners and eight runners-up, who we’ll announce on February 2.
4. The Big Reveal: Grand Prizes
Each winner will be awarded up to $40,000 of KI furniture to make their dream learning space a reality. Eight runners-up will each receive 30 Ruckus whiteboards. Winners will have their brand-new furniture installed between Presidents’ Day and spring break in 2024.
Dream, Design, Deliver!
We are incredibly excited to offer you the chance to win the classroom of your dreams. In the weeks to come, we’ll provide tips and tricks on how you can optimize the design of your learning space. We'll also share additional insights from last year’s winners and feedback from their students.
If you’re looking for design-winning inspiration, be sure to check out our K-12 insights and education blog posts. Lastly, build techniques on how to craft your very best learning environment with the tools below:
- Classroom Planner step-by-step guide
- Classroom Planner tutorial video
What does your dream classroom look like? Start brainstorming! We can’t wait to see your entry this December.
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