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Emily McGinnis

K-12 Education Specialist

Latest Posts

December 5, 2023 What is the Role of Universal Design in Education? 

Explore universal design principles for inclusive education spaces that cater to the needs of every student regardless of age, ability, or learning style.

November 23, 2023 Thanking Our Teachers This Thanksgiving (And Every Day!) 

This Thanksgiving, we’re turning our attention to the millions of teachers dedicated to helping our children learn and grow. Here are a few easy ways to show our teachers how much they mean to us.

October 11, 2023 How to Support Teachers Through the October Blues 

Former teacher and principal Emily McGinnis shares how to support educators who are feeling burned out and reflects on the importance of listening to teachers.

August 17, 2023 Four Ways Privacy Pods Can Transform K-12 Learning 

In K-12 education, a student's learning experience is profoundly influenced by their environment. Discover how privacy pods can effectively cater to their unique needs.

MyPlace Lounge Seating and Sway Lounge Chairs in a lounge; stylish, soft-seating in a lounge at Collin College, perfect for a lobby or waiting area
February 14, 2023 In Our Customers’ Words: The Best School Furniture 

Take a behind-the-scenes look at how our K-12 and higher education customers use some of our best-selling furniture solutions to support their unique learning environments.

January 10, 2023 Space to Create: How to Foster Creativity and Adventure for Young Learners 

How can you facilitate a creative, memorable learning experience for young students? Engage a sense of adventure! Discover insights on how to foster this experience to enhance early education.


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