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Our Grand Prize Winners

Mrs. Ortiz
5th Grade Science & Social Studies Classroom
Bethlehem Elementary School
Taylorsville, NC
For her 5th-grade science and social studies classroom, Mrs. Ortiz designed a space where kids can seamlessly switch between different activities for an immersive learning experience.

Ms. Wilkirson
Northern Elementary School
Lexington, KY
For her elementary school STEM lab, Ms. Wilkirson created a space where students can comfortably and easily move around the classroom to collaborate on a variety of experiments and learning activities.

Mrs. Youssofi
6th Grade Classroom
Loma Verde Elementary School
Chula Vista, CA
For her 6th-grade Spanish and English dual language immersion classroom, Mrs. Youssofi designed an inclusive classroom with different zones where she can personalize experiences based on her students’ communication or learning style.

Mrs. Smith
Library Media Center
Mowrey Elementary
Waynesboro, PA
For her elementary school library media center, Mrs. Smith created an inviting, colorful space with a coffee shop aesthetic to serve as a collaborative hub for students and provide a multifunctional instructional space.
Dream Classroom Reveals
The classroom makeovers for our grand prize winners are complete! View the pure joy and pride of the students and teachers in discovering their dream learning space.
Mrs. Ortiz's 5th Grade Science and Social Studies Classroom
Ms. Wilkirson's STEM Lab
Mrs. Youssofi's 6th Grade Classroom
Mrs. Smith's Library Media Center
Congrats to Our Runners Up!
Nearly 250 original entries were narrowed down to twelve incredible finalists. Below are the voting results for the original twelve, which received a combination of over 62,000 votes from across the nation. The eight runners-up each received a set of our Ruckus Whiteboards.
About Us
As the industry leader in educational furniture solutions, KI delivers innovative and insightful designs for today’s K-12 learning environments. We’re delighted by countless stories about how our comfortable, reliable, adaptable, unique designs engage students and teaching staff. They love having the flexibility to move or reconfigure the furniture and adapt to their space as they please.
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