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KI means a lot to users, designer and dealers.
To some, we’re the answer for versatility, durability and cost-effective furnishings. To others, it’s all about the creativity and comfort that we bring to their classrooms. Through research, we’ve discovered KI means many things to many people. We’ve always been proven to be the smartest choice for schools, and one of the most preferred brands in the industry.
So as you rethink your school spaces, think KI.
Whether it’s comfort, style, collaboration or quiet time, we know our furnishings can do more and be more for college campuses. But instead of resting on the laurels of what we know, we've used this independent research to represent the hearts and minds of users, designers and dealers in the industry.
The ones who point to KI as the best choice for college campuses.
Because these days, listening to customers and amplifying their voices can create the most powerful and empowering reasons to believe.
Here's what we've heard
based on research from Hanover 2020

Here's why it matters