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This rich, multicolor textured pattern draws inspiration from the rough-hewn edge of loom-woven textiles.


This bold, large-scale geometric pattern is created by plotting parallel and perpendicular lines at varied angles and spaces.


Much like the iconic scooter with its sleek lines and fun colors, the Vespa pattern moves. Its sheen creates playfulness and personality.


We recognize and embrace our responsibility to safeguard human health, preserve natural resources and protect the environment.

Impress Family 

Impress chairs offer extraordinary comfort for less money. The secret to comfort is its high-performance foam formulation. Impressive for any office environment.

Opt4 Family 

Mix and match design and price options with the Opt4 seating collection. Opt4 enhances design versatility with its lightweight and comfortable design.


KI is committed to serving and supporting the people and organizations who share the communities we call home.

Katera Family 

Designed to follow the curves of the human body, Katera features built-in contours, a generously sized seat and aesthetic variety.

Happy Holidays from KI 

No matter if they are old or new, make every holiday tradition special to you! From all of us here at KI, we wish you the happiest of holidays!

Repair & Replacement 

Customer service is here to help you with repair or replacing parts. To expedite your request, please prepare the following information.

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