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Inspired by the beautifully complex layers of our earth, Stratum builds a solid foundation and reminds us of our own strength and convictions.


If you're looking to make a subtle statement of sophistication, Arjuna will leave you with a distinct impression.


A plush chenille texture offered in earthy yet vibrant hues. A hint of sparkle mirrors the metallic threads in a sari’s decorative border.


Enhance any environment with Zizania, an intricate and rich pattern of small particles resembling wild rice.


Soft to the touch, Zone upholstery will bring depth and warmth into any environment. 100% polyester with a Teflon backing.


Vignette is infused with marled details and surprising color combinations that evoke emotion through tactility and timelessness.

West Bengal 

This pattern is a mulberry silky stripe reminiscent of the linear patterns woven on Indian looms by the tribal people of West Bengal.


We recognize and embrace our responsibility to safeguard human health, preserve natural resources and protect the environment.

Impress Family 

Impress chairs offer extraordinary comfort for less money. The secret to comfort is its high-performance foam formulation. Impressive for any office environment.

Opt4 Family 

Mix and match design and price options with the Opt4 seating collection. Opt4 enhances design versatility with its lightweight and comfortable design.

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