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A revolution of thought and action

It’s not so much an evolution as a revolution.
It looks like nothing else. It can be used like nothing else.
It’s Ruckus: a simple, inspiring and incredibly innovative collection that
supports today’s learning space transformations like nothing else.

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Foster student engagement
Foster student engagement

Ruckus enables the type of movement essential to cognitive development and learning. With Ruckus, users can choose how they sit, learn and interact. Ruckus uniquely adapts to user preference, versus traditional design that forces users to adapt to furniture.

Enable diverse teaching styles
Enable diverse teaching styles

With options for mobility and height-adjustability, Ruckus energizes students and instructors alike with responsive design. Ruckus brings students together in flexible and transitional learning spaces, while offering instructors the freedom to teach as they prefer.

Adapt to users and uses
Adapt to users and uses

Shake up the learning space and respond to change with minimal disruption. Ruckus creates adaptable learning spaces that transition with ease when change is needed.

Raise a Ruckus

The Ruckus collection changes traditional learning space dynamics.


Ruckus innovative seating promotes student movement and lets users choose how they relate to their learning spaces. With Ruckus chairs, users can quickly and easily change from focused to collaborative work on the fly with minimal disruption.

Cantilever Desks 

The Ruckus collection fosters student engagement, enables a wide range of teaching styles and adapts to a variety of users and uses. Users can quickly and easily change from focused to collaborative work on the fly without the disruption of rearranging furniture.  

Activity Tables 

The simple, clean design of Ruckus activity tables delivers flexibility and mobility to enable diverse teaching and learning styles.

Post-Leg Desks 

Change learning space dynamics in your classroom. Ruckus post-leg desks are easily reconfigurable to support project-based learning or promote individual focused work.


Ruckus innovative seating promotes student movement and lets users choose how they relate to their learning spaces. Ruckus stools are non-directional which improves sight lines. Integrated arms can serve as a work ledge to promote unlimited room layouts.

Task Chair 

Ruckus innovative seating promotes student movement and lets users choose how they relate to their learning spaces. Ruckus simple-function task chairs provide design and style continuity.


Super-functional Ruckus storage keeps learning tools handy and learning spaces neat.


Ruckus Worktables come in multiple sizes to support a variety of learning space layouts and group dynamics. Material, power and storage options support a wide range of active learning environments.

Mobile Height-Adjustable Lectern 

Designed to enable diverse teaching and learning styles, the Ruckus lectern can be quickly rearranged for focus or collaborative work with minimal disruption.

Ruckus Whiteboards 

Ruckus whiteboards have a dry-erase surface backed by a tackable PET felt surface to support interaction and ideation in learning or work environments.

Change Learning Space Dynamics

See how engaging Ruckus activity tables and post-leg desks provide the flexibility and mobility to arrange and rearrange classrooms. Students show how removable tote storage keeps learning tools handy. Plus, a diverse range of colors offers design freedom.

VIDEO The Ruckus Collection Changes Learning Space Dynamics 

Planning Ideas

Inspire your learning space transformation with these engaging space planning ideas.

View Planning Ideas

Ruckus Planning Idea-2.png

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