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Use Our Free Classroom Design Tool

Have you ever wanted to test-drive furniture for your classroom? Or reconfigure classroom furniture with a few keyboard clicks to see if your vision will work, before you actually start moving things around in your physical space?

With our dynamic classroom design tool, you can do this and more. The Classroom Planner is an interactive program that allows you to add, remove and move around furniture into limitless configurations and spaces.

Simply create a room in any given dimensions and start adding furniture to your space. Then, accessorize! Choose the floor type, wall color, exterior window view, architectural details and so on until you’ve created your ideal space … the classroom of your dreams.

Classroom Types

To jump-start your classroom design project, select among our preconfigured spaces for the following modules: 



Rows of chairs and desks for traditional instruction



Flexible layouts with mobile, reconfigurable furniture 



Features large worksurfaces for hands-on projects

Learning Commons

Learning Commons

Features furniture options that have the ability to create open spaces for all learners


Save Your Design

When you’re finished, don’t leave your brilliant design behind! Save your classroom floorplan by sending yourself an email with a visual of your final space. 

Love your space and want to quote the furniture? We’re at your service. Contact your dedicated KI sales specialist or find a rep to get started on your journey to creating optimized learning spaces for your unique requirements. 

How-To Tutorial

Watch this overview video to learn how to use our classroom design tool and maximize your space planning efforts.

VIDEO Classroom Planner Tutorial 




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