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Explore Uniframe Cafeteria Tables

Easy to move, rearrange, store and clean under, Uniframe® cafeteria tables make it easy to accommodate any number of functions in one space.


GCCC cafe2 Katera Uniframe
GCCC cafe2 Katera Uniframe
Burkburnett ORE cafe2a StriveHD Uniframe
Burkburnett ORE cafe2a StriveHD Uniframe
StPat cafe1 Uniframe Maestro
StPat cafe1 Uniframe Maestro
Uniframe bench nordic
Uniframe bench nordic
Hillcrest cafe Uniframe
Hillcrest cafe Uniframe
Uniframe split bench 2 u
Uniframe split bench 2 u
Uniframe cafe students
Uniframe cafe students
Uniframe octagonal u
Uniframe octagonal u
Uniframe stools 16 u
Uniframe stools 16 u
Uniframe Rnd stools 1
Uniframe Rnd stools 1
CTEC cafe Unif Maestro
CTEC cafe Unif Maestro

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