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Explore Affina Guest Chair

Affina guest seating combines handcrafted quality with functional appeal. Its stylish and inviting curves and waterfall seat front, ensure optimal comfort for guests.


Brenau lounge1 Affina
Brenau lounge1 Affina
Bethany Children's Hospital
Bethany Children's Hospital
Altus Mesh Task Chair, Torsion Air Nesting Chair, Trek Table and Affina Guest Chair
Altus Mesh Task Chair, Torsion Air Nesting Chair, Trek Table and Affina Guest Chair
SBTS-Mathena lobby2 Affina
SBTS-Mathena lobby2 Affina
AffinaGuestChair openarm angle polyarmcaps
AffinaGuestChair openarm angle polyarmcaps
BascomMiami AffinaGuestChair Aristotle2
BascomMiami AffinaGuestChair Aristotle2
MerrittPS entry1 Affina
MerrittPS entry1 Affina
WTCC lobby4 AffinaGuest
WTCC lobby4 AffinaGuest
Genius Demising Wall UMA Aristotle Impress Affina
Genius Demising Wall UMA Aristotle Impress Affina
Affina GuestChairs cover
Affina GuestChairs cover
AffinaMultipleSeating single openarm profile
AffinaMultipleSeating single openarm profile
AffinaMultipleSeating single openarm front
AffinaMultipleSeating single openarm front
AffinaMultipleSeating single openarm back
AffinaMultipleSeating single openarm back
AffinaMultipleSeating single openarm angle
AffinaMultipleSeating single openarm angle
AffinaMultipleSeating single closedarm profile
AffinaMultipleSeating single closedarm profile
AffinaMultipleSeating single closedarm front
AffinaMultipleSeating single closedarm front
AffinaMultipleSeating single closedarm back
AffinaMultipleSeating single closedarm back
AffinaMultipleSeating single closedarm angle
AffinaMultipleSeating single closedarm angle
AffinaGuestChair closedarm angle
AffinaGuestChair closedarm angle
AffinaGuestChair armless profile
AffinaGuestChair armless profile
AffinaGuestChair armless front
AffinaGuestChair armless front
AffinaGuestChair armless back
AffinaGuestChair armless back
AffinaGuestChair armless angle
AffinaGuestChair armless angle

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