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trusted experts from

Design & Development

Through years of experience, KI has developed the Infinity From KI process to work for you, every time. It’s become a part of our company’s inner workings to the point that we have a full staff of dedicated experts to support Infinity From KI. This exclusive team literally works on nothing else besides modified and co-created product design and development. Meet the team below.

your product design

Dream Team

Jonathan Webb
Jonathan Webb

Director of Workplace Strategy & Infinity Program

Jonathan manages the strategic approach for our Infinity From KI team and fosters communication among team members to generate inspired ideas and solutions for our clients. He engages with our clients and team members to ensure that all ideas and requirements have been heard and fully fleshed out, in order to establish the strategic objectives for each project. As the hub for the Infinity From KI process, Jonathan engages resources throughout our organization to ensure the process is adequately matched with the people and skills required to support a successful outcome. 

I love inspiring our clients to rethink traditional ways of designing their space. We encourage every “I wish…” and “what if…” statement to drive our team in creating solutions that solve specific challenges, far beyond what you can find in a catalog. I also ensure this design journey is understandable, approachable, and enjoyable for all our clients.
Lon Seidl
Lon Seidl

Co-Created Product Solutions Manager

Lon offers more than 20 years of experience developing personalized, co-created furniture solutions for KI. He has intimate experience with all aspects of product design, from idea generation through final product installation. He is driven by a passion for design and thoroughly enjoys partnering with our clients and internal support teams to ensure we provide the best design solutions.

I am always looking for new and innovative ways to engage in the design process. As a problem-solver by nature, I am an engineer who leads with empathy for my clients’ needs. I am also very competitive and highly motivated to find the best possible solution for every unique requirement.

David Mommaerts
David Mommaerts

David leads our Modified Products Team with more than 25 years of industry experience, from manufacturing to product development. David and his team are responsible for offering expert advice to individual clients to help them understand how they can personalize our product solutions for their unique project needs. From simple product modifications to completely new designs for co-created products, David’s team is also responsible for translating client requirements into detailed engineering drawings and data, in order to prepare for manufacturing with the greatest efficiency and highest quality outcome.

I am passionate about connecting our clients with solutions that meet their exact needs. With a team of nearly 50 support personnel, I help manage our team’s workflow to ensure timely processes, great communication, and successful manufacturing.


Resource Pool

Beyond these key contacts, there are many layers of team members who work in a cohesive effort to support Infinity From KI. From CAD Drafting and Industrial Design to Account Coordinators and Contract Managers, KI has an incredible depth of support available to orchestrate the best possible customer experience with Infinity From KI.

  • CAD
  • Design
  • Engineering
  • Modified Options
  • Space Planning
  • Product Marketing
  • Marketing Communications
  • Data Management
  • Order Entry
  • Inside Sales
  • Sales Operations
  • Quote/Bid
  • Finance
  • Supply Chain
  • Installation
  • Transportation

our featured player:


The Infinity From KI process starts and ends with YOU! You are the star player. Without your visions and ideas, none of this is possible. 



But what ultimately proves the success of this process is the peoplethe employees, the students, the staff, the families or patientsthat engage with your final solution. Your co-created product should ultimately support a unique blend of culture, employee engagement, enhanced productivity, increased satisfaction and perhaps some je ne sais quoi that gives a special energy to your final space.



experience the

Power of Partnership

From customer engagement through installation, our Infinity From KI team is ready to help bring your furniture design vision to reality. This team exists to deliver the absolute best experience for the Infinity from KI process. So as you partner with KI, rest assured you are in the hands of our most trusted experts who offer years of knowledge in design engineering and strategic furniture solutions.



Contact Us

We’re excited to partner with you! To begin the Infinity From KI process, contact your dedicated KI sales specialist. Or complete the form below, and a member of our team will reach out to you.

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